Marriage Officer Cape


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Our Pastor, Grant is Certified Licensed Marriage Officer as well as a Justice of the
Peace and Commisioner of Oaths

To Contact our travelling Marriage Officer, kndly go to the "Contact Details" tab on the menu above or you can Click Here.

 Grant is prepared to travel anywhere in the Republic of South Africa should anyone want him to come and perform that Special Wedding Service

For any questions about Marriages, Please go to the "FAQ" tab on the above menu or Click Here.

Marriage Officer services
  • Performing wedding ceremonies for large formal weddings
  • Solemnising private weddings
  • Registration of marriages

The service includes all required paperwork, submissions to Home Affairs and the provision of an offical, Home Affairs printed marriage certificate.

Private Weddings 

Sometimes the best way to get married is quietly at home with just a few close friends. Our marriage officer will come to your home, at your convenience, and conduct the ceremony of your choice.


Formal Weddings 

As an all-denominational marriage officer weddings can be solemnised between couples of any religious or cultural backgrounds.

Remember, even though the wedding is formal and "traditional" you are not tied to tradition. You have the freedom to make the ceremony what you want it to communicate!


 Marriage Registrations

It is not strange if a wedding ceremony is conducted by someone who is not a registered marriage officer. So you've had the ceremony you want but now your marriage needs to be registered. I will take care of all the paperwork and registration for you.

Or perhaps you don't want a ceremony at all but wish to have your marriage properly registered. Again, I will see that this is done without you having to see the inside of a Home Affairs office!

As your Marriage Office, I will meet with you to discuss all aspects of your wedding ceremony. You may choose to have (or leave out) an opening prayer, a scripture, a message, vows, a song, lighting a candle together, etc. My goal is that I will conduct your ceremony in a special, unique and romantic way so that all who are present will remember it for years to come.

My service to you includes: organizing all the documentation, organizing the order of the ceremony with you, choosing specific wedding vows, signing the register, processing all documents at the Department of Home Affairs, organizing an Unabridged Marriage Certificate for International couples, and more.  


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